The El Martillo Project
The El Martillo Project Eclectic Electric Collective In 2010 an inconspicuous looking suitcase was sent from Berlin to Mexico City containing a 39-foot tall inflatable silver hammer. Thus began El Martillo’s odyssey to protest the United Nations Climate Conference in Cancún. El Martillo’s short, but glorious life, climaxed when protesters from Marea Creciente (Rising Tide)…
19 & 20: Notes for a New Social Protagonism
19 & 20: Notes for a New Social Protagonism Colectivo Situaciones Translated by Nate Holdren & Sebastián Touza Introductions by Michael Hardt & Antonio Negri An 18th Brumaire for the 21st Century: militant research on the December 19th and 20th, 2001 uprisings in Argentina In the heat of an economic and political crisis, people in…
12/12 Seminar: Models for a Peer-to-Peer Society
Models for a Peer-to-Peer Society A seminar with Michel Bauwens, P2P Foundation Monday December 12th at 2pm in the Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall Seminar Room Centre for Work, Organization and Society, University of Essex Many observers argue that the change induced with the internet is on a par with at least the effects of the…
Communization and its Discontents
Communization and its Discontents: Contestation, Critique, and Contemporary Struggles Edited by Benjamin Noys Can we find alternatives to the failed radical projects of the twentieth century? What are the possible forms of struggle today? How do we fight back against the misery of our crisis-ridden present? ‘Communization’ is the spectre of the immediate struggle to…
Revolutions in Reverse
Revolutions in Reverse: Essays on Politics, Violence, Art, and Imagination David Graeber Capitalism as we know it appears to be coming apart. But as financial institutions stagger and crumble, there is no obvious alternative. There is good reason to believe that, in a generation or so, capitalism will no longer exist: for the simple reason…
Undressing the Academy
Undressing the Academy, or The Student Handjob University of Strategic Optimism The weary student handbook genre is in need of a belligerent mauling. This is our crack at the job. We don’t want to talk down to anyone, but neither do we want to chat them up, so this is an attempt at thinking out…
Markets Not Capitalism
Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against Bosses, Inequality, Corporate Power, and Structural Poverty Ed. Gary Chartier & Charles W. Johnson Individualist anarchists believe in mutual exchange, not economic privilege. They believe in freed markets, not capitalism. They defend a distinctive response to the challenges of ending global capitalism and achieving social justice: eliminate the political…
Six Impossible Politics Before Breakfast
Six Impossible Politics Before Breakfast: A Discussion on Art & Politics in an Age of Austerity Wednesday July 6, 7:30 PM @ Post-Museum 107+109 Rowell Road S209033 ‘Be realistic, demand the impossible’ is one of the most famous slogans to come out of the May 1968 student movement. It marked a shift away from a…
Spectacular Capitalism
Spectacular Capitalism: Guy Debord and the Practice of Radical Philosophy by Richard Gilman-Opalsky Despite recent crises in the financial system, uprisings in Greece, France, Tunisia, and Bolivia, worldwide decline of faith in neoliberal trade policies, deepening ecological catastrophes, and global deficits of realized democracy, we still live in an era of “spectacular capitalism.” But what…
A Users Guide to (Demanding) the Impossible
A Users Guide to Demanding the Impossible by the Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination This guide is not a road map or instruction manual. It’s a match struck in the dark, a homemade multi-tool to help you carve out your own path through the ruins of the present, warmed by the stories and strategies of those…