Categotry Archives: John Gruntfest


Adventures in Sound & Music with John Gruntfest

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Categories: John Gruntfest, Stevphen Shukaitis

photo 5Adventures in Sound & Music Broadcast on Resonance FM with John Gruntfest & Stevphen Shukaitis

Minor Compositions editor Stevphen Shukaitis is hosting a radio show on the work of free jazz saxophonist and poet John Gruntfest. The show will broadcast Thursday April 7 from 9-10:30PM on Adventures in Sound & Music produced by music magazine The Wire, for London-based art and experimental radio station Resonance FM (104.4 FM in London and streaming online).

Gruntfest is a key, but overlooked figure, in the history of free jazz and experimental music. He has been experimenting and creating in multiple mediums since the sixties. He played music and did radical theatre on the streets of New York with such groups as the Pageant Players, the Motherfuckers, Bread and Puppet Theatre, and the Living Theatre. Continue reading →


Future Che

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Categories: John Gruntfest, Richard Gilman-Opalsky

Future Che
John Gruntfest

Future Che brings together, for the first time, the art, poetry and music of legendary free jazz saxophonist and composer John Gruntfest. Drawing on a critical theory of waves Future Che incites wave after wave of joyful insurrection.

This book-art-music object includes an introduction by Richard Gilman-Opalsky and a live recording of a performance at the San Francisco Metropolitan Art Center.

Gruntfest draws upon both western and eastern radical artistic and philosophical traditions, from Ives to Coltrane, Buddha to Marx, Goldman to Debord, Whitman to Artaud… embracing all those creative, questioning, and life affirming movements that reject the stultifying, alienating, and deadening culture of capitalist death.

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